viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

I love crayons because they are very useful when we make pictures.  I love to make little and big pictures.  Yesterday I bought a new box of crayons.  I was very excited because I like to draw so I went to my home and I drew some pictures after that I color them.  

miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012

Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior against other people.  I think that bullying is really sad because every day since two or three months they give the news that a little boy or girl suicides because he or she was suffering bullying.

I think that we don’t need to hurt someone because we don’t like his way of think.  We need to start respecting the way that the people that is near us think.  We need to accept each other’s preferences and way of act.  Sometimes we hurt other people because we envy them or because we don’t have the same likes as them.
As I said at first is really sad that bullying is getting people to suicide.  And realize that we can stop that situation.  The school`s principals and other authorities, in my opinion, have to start a campaign against bullying.  But when we hear the stories of the people that suffered bullying we realize that sometimes the adults or the teacher started with it.
And you know other think that is annoying? Our kids are watching and learning bullying in a 50% of the television programs that they watch.  They think that bullying is not bad because they are watching it in t.v.  Please we need to educate our kids to stop bullying.

sábado, 5 de mayo de 2012

Phineas & Ferb

I am watching Phineas & Ferb with my sister.  I like them because they are really funny I dont know why but when they appeared I didnt liked cartoons any more.  One day my little asked me to watch her favorite program with her.  I started watching it and I love it. I like the characters and I love Perry the platypus.  But the characters I love the most are Isabella, and Candace cause' they are always in love Isabella with Phineas , eventhough he dont know it, and Candace with Jeremy.  They are really funny because they can make everything for the men they loved.