sábado, 14 de julio de 2012

Tips to have a healthy life

1.     Reduce fat in our food: we need to stop eating in every place we stop and avoid eat fast food.
2.    Reduce salt:  Salt is very dangerous if we do not control the amount of salt that we eat and is better if we avoid it.
3.    Walk more:  Instead of drive to your work, walk it would be a nice exercise and you would be helping the environment.
4.    Do exercise:  maybe you can buy a dog. It will make you walk and you will have a nice time together.
5.    Breathe fresh air:  go to places with many flowers and trees.
6.    Drink more water:  try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day it will make your body healthy.
7.    Sleep between 6-8 hours a day:  If you don’t you would feel tired and you won’t do exercise.  Scientist said that sleeping bad can make us get fat.
8.    Eat fruits and vegetables:  have you heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away? That is true we need to eat at least 2 fruits and 2 vegetables a day.

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